Award Nominations

Call for 2023 Award Nominations Submission Deadline: July 26, 2023 Award Ceremony - October 13, 2023
NOTICE – Any person working in a LeadingAge Kentucky member facility may make a nomination, not just administrators and managers. Administrators will be copied on all submissions to verify their approval. Only ONE nomination per person will be accepted, the first nomination received per person will be eligible. The LeadingAge Kentucky Annual Awards honor those who embody excellence in leadership, care and service innovation, and who are making outstanding contributions to their communities and our field. Nominees should be persons/groups who have not received an award in the past 2 years. Winners will be selected based on the information provided in the 500 word or less narrative. Nominations over 500 words or accompanied by any additional information (ie. letters of recommendation) will be disqualified.
Caring Hands Award
This award recognizes the achievements of frontline staff and direct care employees, whose caring spirit have made significant impact upon the lives of older adults, while working for a LeadingAge Kentucky member organization.
- Individuals who are employed as Certified Nurse Aides (Restorative, Medication aide etc.) Dietary Aide or Environmental Services Aides are eligible.
- Nominee has made a significant and positive difference in the life of senior residents/clients.
Supportive Services Award
This award recognizes the achievements of staff whose caring spirit have made significant impact upon the lives of older adults, while working for a LeadingAge Kentucky member organization.
- Individuals who are employed in the following areas: Environmental Services, Dietary, Medical Records, Business Office, Administrative Support, Admissions or Rehab are eligible.
Nursing Excellence Award
This award recognizes outstanding service provided by a nurse. The nominee must possess exemplary leadership and supervisory skills, knowledge of nursing requirements for state compliance, and characteristics that promote quality of care, resident dignity, respect and independence, while meeting the residents’ needs.
- Individuals who are employed as an RN or LPN (including MDS Coordinator and/or Director of Nursing) of organizations that are LeadingAge Kentucky members are eligible.
- Nominee has made a significant and positive difference in the life of senior residents/clients.
Quality of Life Award
This award recognizes the achievements of staff whose caring spirit have made significant impact upon the lives of older adults, while working for a LeadingAge Kentucky member organization.
- Individuals who are employed in Activities or Social Services are eligible.
Spiritual Care Award
This award recognizes an individual whose caring spirit has made significant impact upon the spiritual lives of older adults, while working for a LeadingAge Kentucky member organization.
- Nominee has made a significant and positive difference in the spiritual life of residents.
Caring Heart Award
This award recognizes an individual whose caring heart has enhanced the lives of residents or staff by the exceptional quality and passion of his/her work and through acts of kindness, giving and selflessness care and support.
- Nominee enhances the lives of residents above and beyond their scope of duty as an employee of a LeadingAge Kentucky member facility.
Outstanding Administrator Award
This award recognizes an outstanding administrator whose extraordinary efforts and exemplary leadership have made a significant impact on residents quality of life and the growth and development of the community.
- Individuals who are employed as Nursing Home Administrators are eligible.
Governance Leadership Award
This award recognizes an individual of a governing board that demonstrates excellence in leadership or governance accountability.
- Individuals of governing boards of LeadingAge Kentucky member organizations are eligible for this award.
- The nominee has provided recognizable leadership worthy of State recognition.
- The nominee advances principles of responsible stewardship, financial integrity, fund development and engages in strategic planning collaboration with key stakeholders to ensure the organization’s future success in meeting community needs.
- The nominee’s accomplishments demonstrate a significant contribution to the well-being of persons served.
Community Living Award
This award recognizes individuals whose caring spirit has made significant impact upon the lives of older adults, while working for a LeadingAge Kentucky member organization.
- Individuals who are employed in the following types of member communities: Assisted Living, Senior Housing, and Independent Living of organizations that are LeadingAge Kentucky members are eligible.
LeadingAge Kentucky Distinguished Service Award
This award recognizes the achievements of members, non-members or institutions in making outstanding contributions toward the welfare of older persons in areas such as research, education, communication, media, philanthropy, public policy, or innovative programs. (It is not required that the nominee be a LeadingAge Kentucky member.)
- Nominee has spent a significant period of time meeting the needs of or serving the aging community or an organization that serves the aging.
Innovation of the Year Award
This award is presented to the LeadingAge Kentucky member who has developed a program, technique, or design that improves the quality of service or demonstrates creative problem solving that benefits residents, clients or facility.
- Originality and creativity of the program or technique, proven benefits to residents, clients, or facility and potential for application to the needs of other organizations or facilities.
Volunteer of the Year Award
This award is presented to a resident or non-resident, group, or individual, volunteer of a LeadingAge Kentucky member facility that has performed significant volunteer service to clients/residents, and has demonstrated unusual commitment to preserve the dignity and well-being of the residents/clients.
- Nominee has served the organization for a significant period of time directly or indirectly.
- Nominee has made a difference in the life of the organization or an individual that is significant.
LeadingAge Kentucky Leadership Award
The leadership award, LeadingAge Kentucky’s highest award, is presented to a distinguished individual who has provided outstanding leadership to the Association and whose exemplary service and commitment to quality have advanced both the association and the aging-services field.
- Individuals whose organizations are members of LeadingAge Kentucky are eligible for this award.
- Nominee has provided imaginative leadership and exceptional services to the Association and its members.
- Nominee has accomplished significant goals over a period of time.
- Nominee’s cumulative achievements are notable and worthy of State recognition.
LeadingAge Kentucky Scholarship
LeadingAge Kentucky recognizes the importance an individual places on education as the foundation for success. The scholarship supports an individual’s future career in health care and enhances their extraordinary passion for achievement.
- Nominee must be employed for one year by a LeadingAge Kentucky member facility. Entry application must include a recommendation by an administrator or direct supervisor (or both). Recipient must use the scholarship award for tuition and/or books in course study pertaining to health care, management or other fields associated with health care, such as bookkeeping, social work, or recreational therapy.
- Separate form required. Please click here for scholarship nomination form.